Month: June 2015

  • Dreams of Electric Sheep

    In an effort to create a more accurate image recognition system, researchers have been training Google’s neural network to pick out objects obscured by denser and denser layers of optical noise. But by feeding the AI the other direction – …


  • A Taste of Prison

    As a way to raise funds, some US prisons are offering visitors a way to eat what inmates eat. This experience promises to be the “worst meal of your life” and yet still been successful in attracting curious diners in …


  • Sprout on a Limb

    For the first time, scientists have managed to grow an arm in a lab. This rat forelimb seems to be functional and able to circulate blood, giving hope that one day we will be able to grow usable replacement limbs …


  • Poo Done It? (with Greg Miller)

    A London borough has decided to get to start DNA testing abandoned dog droppings and delivering retroactive tickets to the irresponsible owners. Anthony, Jeff, and special guest Greg Miller from Kinda Funny Vids discuss the ethics of cleaning up after …


  • Placenta and Minus… enta

    A new review of scientific literature finds that there is no evidence that eating the afterbirth is good for the mother. It could even be harmful. Which leads Anthony and Jeff to weigh the pros and cons of ingesting placenta, …


  • Cave Man Returns

    The de-extinction movement is in full swing, which leads some scientists to consider reconstructing the DNA of Neanderthals. Could that be possible? And what would a prehistoric humanoid be like in the modern world. Anthony and Jeff consider the possible …


  • Running Man

    Dean Karnazes has a rare physiological condition that allows him to process lactic acid more efficiently than other humans and effectively run forever. His list of running accomplishments is truly super human. Jeff and Anthony differ on their opinion of …


  • Awesomer Gossamer

    Scientists have discovered that getting spiders to ingest carbon nanotubes will cause them to weave spider silk that is even stronger than their naturally strong tensile strands. This leads Anthony and Jeff to imagine all kinds of potential uses for …


  • Under Age Thinking

    Scientists now believe that they have isolated the specific parts of DNA that cause aging in humans. Which leads Anthony and Jeff to think, if they’ve isolated them, perhaps they can eliminate them… And if they can eliminate them, can’t …


  • Iron Chef

    A London-based company has developed highly articulated robotic hands, and has decided to use the technology to create an in-home product: stand-alone arms that will cook gourmet meals. Jeff and Anthony marvel at the innovation, but wonder if chef hands …


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