Month: January 2016

  • Jail Bird

    On the barren Moroccan island of Mogador, falcons seem to imprison small birds by trapping them in crevasses, presumably saving them to eat later. Scientists have never seen this kind of behavior in non-human vertebrates. Anthony and Jeff have some …


  • Cardboard of Surgery

    Google Cardboard has helped save the life of a baby who was born missing a lung and half a heart. Surgeons used the inexpensive VR device to map out the experimental operation. Anthony and Jeff envision more world-changing applications of …


  • Blart Bots

    A Mountain View startup called Knightscope has developed a fleet of crime-fighting machinery it hopes to rent for less than minimum wage to malls. Are mall cop jobs in danger? Will punk kids cower in fear at the vaguely Dalek-shaped …


  • Tree Howls of Horror

    In their continuing series on things that want to kill you, Anthony and Jeff discuss the Manchineel tree, whose poison is so potent, even standing under it during a rainstorm can result in blistered skin and excruciating pain. Join them …


  • Dragon Braggin’

    An essay in The American Journal of Bioethics claims dragons and other spectacular animals could be brought to life using the targeted gene-editing system known as CRISPR-CAS9. Jeff and Anthony are on board! Let’s play god and bring mythical creatures …


  • Where the Antelope Syndrome

    Over half the Antelope population in Kazakhstan died in 4 days, and scientists are baffled as to the cause. Jeff and Anthony have a few theories, though. Don’t worry. It’s probably not all dark magic.

    Get all your sweet We …


  • Downward Phasing Dog (w/ Christian Spicer)

    Are dogs getting dumber because of their association with humans? New new study comparing intelligence of wolves to domesticated canines seems to indicate that might be the case. Anthony, Jeff, and special guest Christian Spicer talk about relative dog dumbness …


  • Stalin for Time: The Story of the American Tumbleweed

    Jeff and Anthony uncover the remarkable true story of that iconic symbol of the American west, the tumbleweed. Turns out, it was all a lie.

    Get all your sweet We Have Concerns merch by swinging by

    Hey! If you’re …


  • Occupy Octopi

    A giant squid, rarely seen outside of deep waters, was filmed swimming near a pier in central Japan. Even crazier, a local dive shop owner decided to leap into the water and swim with the deadly creature. What happens next …


  • What’s Up Dog?

    Melody Jackson, a computer scientist at Georgia Tech, has been outfitting service dogs with computerized vests, so that in an emergency they can find another human and pull a mechanical lever on the vest that triggers an audio message like, …


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