Tag: comedy

  • See Weed, Taste Bacon

    A research lab has apparently created a healthy seaweed superfood that tastes like bacon! … Yeah, that sounds like total marketing speak to us, too. Anthony and Jeff discuss the whole concept of twisting marketing health and wellness to people …


  • Hitches Get Stitches

    We talk a lot about whether we can trust robots, but can robots trust us? HitchBOT was a robot on a goodwill tour of the world, depending on the kindness of strangers to get from one end of a country …


  • Robodogs Go To Heaven

    Back in 1999, Sony released a robot dog called Aibo. Now, 15 years later, these toys have started to break down, and Sony has ceased repairing them or manufacturing new models. This has caused the few people who still use …


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